Downtown Seattle Condos Starting to Fill Up
Seattle Times,
roughly two dozen new projects were at work between 2007-2010 during the big real-estate crash. Many of those who purchased during the pre-sale backed
out and several developers ended up converting their buildings to rental
units to cater to the economy. Those who stuck it out had to slash
prices, and in many cases had to lower the costs by up to 40 percent.
Today the market is starting to look more appealing and beginning to have the first signs that it will bounce back. One good indicator is that Escala raised some of their prices; one of the largest downtown projects to date, Escala did so quietly, with the majority of their condo units selling for 99% of the asking price, they’ve begun upping the anty as their inventory gets smaller. Also of the 2,500 condo projects that have been built in downtown and surrounding areas, fewer than 250 units are left unsold. There are currently no new projects in place; most developers and lenders have put condos on hold to allow the market to recuperate. If you’re interested in learning more about finding a condo in the Seattle area, here is a list of available units.
The past two years have not been promising for the Seattle Condo
Market, and condo developers are finally starting to see a turn around
in the Downtown area. According to the Today the market is starting to look more appealing and beginning to have the first signs that it will bounce back. One good indicator is that Escala raised some of their prices; one of the largest downtown projects to date, Escala did so quietly, with the majority of their condo units selling for 99% of the asking price, they’ve begun upping the anty as their inventory gets smaller. Also of the 2,500 condo projects that have been built in downtown and surrounding areas, fewer than 250 units are left unsold. There are currently no new projects in place; most developers and lenders have put condos on hold to allow the market to recuperate. If you’re interested in learning more about finding a condo in the Seattle area, here is a list of available units.
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